2009年6月28日 星期日

ESXi 所使用的 Port

安裝了 ESXi 4.0 後, 要使用 client 連線新增虛擬主機, 一直失敗, 試了很久, 應該不是我自己 client 端的問題, 所以到機房用另一台主機連線管理, OK, 沒有問題, 果然, 是防火牆的關係, 查了它的手冊, 在 ESXi Installable and vCenter Server Setup Guide 裡的第16頁有說明, ESXi 的通訊會用到幾個 Port, 必須在防火牆開啟.

以下內容的來源是 vmware 原廠網站.


This article lists the ports used by VMware vCenter.


Port Description
vCenter Server requires port 80 for direct HTTP connections.
Port 80 redirects requests to HTTPS port 443. This is useful if you accidentally use http://server instead of https://server.
This is the LDAP port number for the Directory Services for the vCenter Server Group. This port must be open on the local instance and all remote instances of vCenter Server. The vCenter Server system needs to bind to port 389 even if you are not joining this vCenter Server instance to a Linked Mode group.
If another service is running on this port, you may want to remove it or install vCenter Server on a machine where port 389 is available. However, you can run the LDAP service on any port from 1025 through 65535 if necessary.
The default port that the vCenter Server system uses to listen for connections from the vSphere Client. Open port 443 in the firewall to enable the vCenter Server system to receive data from the vSphere Client.
The vCenter Server system also uses port 443 to listen for data transfer from the vSphere Web Access Client and other SDK clients. If you use another port number for HTTPS, you must use this format: when you log into the vCenter Server system.
This is the SSL port of the local instance for vCenter Linked Mode.
If another service is running on this port, you may want to remove it or install vCenter Server on a machine where port 636 is available. However, you can run the SSL service on any port from 1025 through 65535.
The default port that the vCenter Server system uses to send data to managed hosts. Managed hosts also send a regular heartbeat over UDP port 902 to the vCenter Server system.
This port must not be blocked by firewalls between the server and the hosts or between hosts.
902/903 Ports 902 and 903 must not be blocked between the vSphere Client and the hosts. These ports are used by the vSphere Client to display virtual machine consoles.
8080 Web Services HTTP
8443 Web Services HTTPS

Additional Information

Note: Ports 389 and 636 (which is the same as 389 except that it uses SSL) are new for Linked Mode.
